It's a good idea to have a variety of transportation options at your disposal. NNV volunteers are a great resource to our Full Members, but did you know there are some low-cost travel options that are available to complement our wonderful volunteer rides? This week and next, NNV will highlight transportation options that will help you get where you need to go.
Metro Senior SmartTrip Card - Anyone over the age of 65 is eligible for a senior fare card. This SmartTrip Card provides substantial discounts—Metro rides at half the peak fare and $1 bus rides. Senior SmartTrip Cards make Metro a bargain. To obtain a Senior SmartTrip Card, visit an approved location, the most convenient for our neighbors being the Montgomery County Libraries - call 240-777-0002 for details. Senior SmarTrip can also be purchased at the Commuter Stores at various locations in the DMV. Be sure to bring your photo ID. Click here to learn more.
Ridesharing – Ridesharing with Uber, Lyft, or a taxi are very popular and provide the flexibility of getting to where you want to go with a moment's notice. You can access these ridesharing companies via apps on your smart phone. However, there are a variety of services available to coordinate ridesharing for people who don't own a smart phone, don't feel comfortable using technology, or rely on someone else to coordinate their rides. Click here to learn more. The Department of Aging and Community Living offers a transportation cost-sharing program called the Connector Card, although at this time the program is not accepting new applications. To learn more, click here. Full Members who have been wanting to try ridesharing services but have been reluctant to do so, can request volunteer support to learn how. Simply contact the office at 202-935-6060 or for volunteer assistance.
Through a centrally-coordinated, local network of screened volunteers and vetted professional providers, Northwest Neighbors Village offers its members transportation to medical appointments, grocery shopping assistance, home repairs and handyman help, computer and technology assistance, access to social and cultural activities and more.