Membership fees cover less than one-third of Northwest Neighbors Village’s costs. We rely on your generosity to ensure our Village can respond to the changing needs of our aging neighbors and continue to be the vehicle for local volunteerism and meaningful engagement.
Through a centrally-coordinated, local network of screened volunteers and vetted professional providers, Northwest Neighbors Village offers its members transportation to medical appointments, grocery shopping assistance, home repairs and handyman help, computer and technology assistance, access to social and cultural activities and more.
Northwest Neighbors Village is one of 13 active Villages in Washington, DC. We are incorporated in the District of Columbia as a non-profit, with a Board of Directors and working committees. The IRS has designated NNV as a 501(c)(3), organization making all donations tax-deductible.
Your gift of $1,000 will provide three months of case management for a member experiencing a medical emergency or major life transition.
Designate your contribution to help a neighbor of limited means access Village membership. You can fully subsidize a member with a $600 gift or choose an amount that is meaningful to you.
Honor a beloved relative, friend, member or volunteer with a donation to Northwest Neighbors Village. Your donation of $100 will help screen and train our volunteers.
Your donation of $75 will allow members to nurture their bodies and minds at our Gentle Yoga class.
Provide Northwest Neighbors Village with consistent, reliable funding. Monthly sustainers ensure our members and volunteers receive vital support and leadership from our small team of professionals in the field of aging.
Donate NowYour direct contribution by check or credit card is always welcome. Please make checks payable to Northwest Neighbors Village and mail it to: Northwest Neighbors Village PO Box 39135, Washington, DC 20016.
Or if you prefer we also accept donations by credit card:
The Pension Protection Act allows individual retirement account (IRA) owners age 70 1/2 or older to donate all or a portion of their IRA, up to $100,000 annually.
NOTE - The transfer must be made directly from the IRA to Northwest Neighbors Village through your IRA administrator or you may write a check payable to Northwest Neighbors Village from your IRA checkbook.
A donor advised fund is a type of charitable investment account that provides an immediate tax benefit to you and allows you to recommend grants to charities of your choice over time.
Granting to Northwest Neighbors Village through your donor advised fund is easy. Simply contact your financial institution or foundation and recommend a grant to Northwest Neighbors Village.
One of the most advantageous ways to contribute to Northwest Neighbors Village is through a gift of stock.
Gifting stock is simple and offers valuable financial benefits:
To donate stock, please contact Northwest Neighbors Village Executive Director Stephanie Chong at 202-935-6060 or
Public and private foundations provide vital support for Northwest Neighbors Village’s impactful work. Generous gifts from family, community and corporate foundations strategically help our efforts to:
What is the Legacy Society?
A legacy gift is a planned bequest of any amount that supports a charitable organization after your death. As part of your overall financial and estate planning, a legacy gift provides an opportunity to support an organization that is meaningful to you, and at the same time to preserve and enjoy assets you might need during your lifetime.
You can continue to make individual contributions if you wish and join the Northwest Neighbors Village Legacy Society at any time.
Northwest Neighbors Village is incorporated in the District of Columbia as a charitable organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
In accordance with the IRS gift substantiation requirements, we certify that no goods or services were provided by Northwest Neighbors Village as partial or full consideration for this contribution. The entire amount is, therefore, tax deductible.
EIN #26-1247521.
Link to latest IRS 990 form.
What is the Legacy Society?
A legacy gift is a planned bequest of any amount that supports a charitable organization after your death. As part of your overall financial and estate planning, a legacy gift provides an opportunity to support an organization that is meaningful to you, and at the same time to preserve and enjoy assets you might need during your lifetime.
You can continue to make individual contributions if you wish and join the Northwest Neighbors Village Legacy Society at any time.
Through a centrally-coordinated, local network of screened volunteers and vetted professional providers, Northwest Neighbors Village offers its members transportation to medical appointments, grocery shopping assistance, home repairs and handyman help, computer and technology assistance, access to social and cultural activities and more.
Northwest Neighbors Village is one of 13 active Villages in Washington, DC. We are incorporated in the District of Columbia as a non-profit, with a Board of Directors and working committees. The IRS has designated NNV as a 501(c)(3), organization making all donations tax-deductible.
For questions or additional information on how you can support Northwest Neighbors Village,
contact Stephanie Chong at 202-935-6060 or