Stay Up-to-Date on Fall Vaccines with the Help of NNV

Stephanie Chong

Northwest Neighbors Village is hosting a vaccine clinic on Monday, October 23 from 10-3 at Seabury at Friendship Terrace. This is an opportunity to help our community get their updated COVID-19 vaccine, flu shot, and RSV vaccine. Read this post from Your Local Epidemiologist about the state of respiratory viruses right now and the recommendation to get vaccinated by Halloween.

When should I get a Covid-19 booster?
The latest boosters target the Omicron variant, which is the COVID-19 virus infecting people today. They provide extra immunity for people who’ve completed their primary vaccination series. When to get your updated COVID-19 vaccine depends on your age, how many vaccine doses you’ve already gotten, and when you got them.

  • Get your updated COVID-19 vaccine now if you’re vaccinated and your last dose was before September 2022.
  • Otherwise, wait until 2 months after you complete your primary vaccination series to get your updated vaccine dose. Completing your primary vaccination series means you got your first 2 doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, or Novavax vaccine, or your 1 dose of Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen vaccine.
  • If you recently had COVID-19, you should wait 3 months from when you got sick to get your updated vaccine.

There have been staggered allocations of the new Covid-19 vaccine so we will not know if the vaccines offered at our October 23rd clinic will be manufactured by Pfizer or Moderna.

Why should I get a flu shot?
Getting a flu vaccine is the best way to protect against flu and its potentially serious complications. It is recommended to get the flu vaccine by the end of October. NNV’s vaccine clinic will offer the high-dose flu shot recommended for adults 65 and over. Click here to learn more about the importance of getting vaccinated against the flu.

Should I get the RSV vaccine?
RSV is a respiratory illness that typically presents like a cold. However, for some older adults and babies, RSV can become life threatening. Learn more about RSV in this Mayo Clinic article. The RSV vaccine is new this year. The CDC recommends that adults age 60 and over talk to their healthcare provider to determine if they should get the RSV vaccine. Click here to learn more.

Are the Fall vaccines safe?
Yes, the vaccines are safe. Just like other vaccinations, your arm might feel sore after you get your shot. You might also experience flu-like symptoms, such as fever, headaches, body aches, and tiredness. These are normal signs that your immune system is responding to the vaccine. Although these side effects may be unpleasant, you’re not actually sick. And they last a few days at most.

Can I get all three vaccines at the same time?
Maybe. Talk to your healthcare provider. Some doctors recommend getting the Covid-19 and flu vaccines at one time and returning a week or more later for the RSV shot.

There is still space available for NNV’s vaccine clinic. Click here to sign up and be sure to indicate which vaccines you intend to receive. Kaiser patients, please contact your healthcare provider to get the vaccine in their office.

This clinic is part of a grant to from the National Council on Aging.

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