NNV’s Response to Recent Uptick in Covid Cases

Stephanie Chong

Covid is on the rise in the DC region, and most of us know one or more person who has recently been infected. For the health and safety of our Village community, NNV will reinstitute our Covid prevention protocol.

Effective Monday, September 11, 2023, NNV will require all members, volunteers, and staff to wear face masks indoors during all in-person NNV programming and volunteer services, and during volunteer rides. Mask-wearing at outdoor gatherings will continue to be optional.

We will monitor the situation and make changes to the protocol as necessary.

Here are some tips on navigating Covid this season, including important points from Katelyn Jetalina’s blog, Your Local Epidemiologist:

Masks – As a reminder, the CDC recommends well-fitting disposable surgical masks and KN95 masks, and explains that well-fitting NIOSH-approved respirators (including N95s) offer the highest level of protection. Be sure to properly wear your mask over your nose, mouth, and chin.

Covid Testing - Because the public health emergency has ended, over-the-counter Covid Test Kits are not covered by Medicare Part B or most private insurances. Laboratory tests, like PCR tests, are still covered by Medicare. Free test kits are available at select locations for the uninsured, click here to find a site. Most Covid Test Kits are still valid after the expiration date listed on the box. Click here to check if the expiration on your Test Kit has been extended.

What if You Test Positive – Contact your physician. If you are over 65, ask about Paxlovid. Please stay home for at least 5 days and isolate from others in your home. To track isolation, note that day one is the first full day after you had symptoms, which for some, may not coincide with the day you’ve taken the test. It’s best to stay indoors until you test negative, but if you must go out, wait until after the first five days have passed and wear a mask until after day ten or after two sequential negative tests in 48 hours. Click here to learn more about isolation.

Covid Vaccine Recommendations - The CDC recommends that people age 65 and over get vaccinated. Click here to learn more about the Covid vaccine and boosters or call your doctor to see what s/he recommends. A new Covid booster is expected to be available this fall. We will share this information when it is available.

Please contact the office at 202-935-6060 or info@nnvdc.org if you have any questions or concerns about the new protocol.

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