It all started with an inquiry on the Chevy Chase listserv. After reading an article about the first ever Village, Beacon Hill Village, founder Frances Mahncke gauged interest in starting a Village in our community. NNV opened its doors in 2009, and the rest is history…
Member-Driven Services and Programming – Since the beginning, NNV has been offering member-driven services and programs to our community. Volunteer services like our nationally recognized Medical Notetaking service and Phone Buddies are examples of NNV's response to the needs of our community. Events like a trip to the Harriet Tubman Museum, Four-Hand Piano Concert, Neighborhood Chats, and our Caregiver Support Group are just some examples of the ways our members share their interest and expertise with our Village community.
In the Community – Over the years, NNV has participated in community events, including Chevy Chase Day, Tenleytown's Art All Night, and as an annual presenter at the Chevy Chase Citizens' Association's March meeting. Moreover, NNV regularly supports our local businesses by hosting lunches and coffee gatherings at local restaurants and providing transportation for members to shop locally.
Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion – A small discussion group on the 1619 Project drew our Village to reflect on our role in ensuring that all of our neighbors can access our programs and services if they wish. Since 2021, NNV has been evaluating our processes and programming, building relationships in our community and working together to make meaningful changes to become a more diverse Village with a culture of inclusivity. Part of this effort includes waiving membership fees for older neighbors with low income.
Recognition of Service Leadership – NNV has been recognized for its innovative programs and services, community building, and commitment to our community. Councilmember Anita Bonds awarded NNV with the 2019 Community Cornerstone Award. LeadingAge DC recognized NNV with an Innovations Award in 2021, and NNV has been accepted into the Spur Local class for the past four years.
Small Team. Big Impact – We may be a small organization but it's a big job to keep NNV running smoothly. From coordinating volunteer services to sharing timely information, to fundraising and advocacy, our staff and board are hard at work every day. The best part is that we love what we do and we have fun doing it!
As we move into 2025, we at NNV renew our commitment to building a generous, supportive, inclusive community where all older adults are valued, age with dignity, and enjoy opportunities for growth and engagement. We hope you will be a part of our next 15 years and beyond.
Through a centrally-coordinated, local network of screened volunteers and vetted professional providers, Northwest Neighbors Village offers its members transportation to medical appointments, grocery shopping assistance, home repairs and handyman help, computer and technology assistance, access to social and cultural activities and more.