NNV Celebrates 15 Years of Neighbor-to-Neighbor Connections

Stephanie Chong

Earlier this month, Northwest Neighbors Village’s (NNV) celebrated our 15th anniversary with good company and live music, all in a festive atmosphere provided by Ingleside at Rock Creek .

It all started with an inquiry on the Chevy Chase listserv.  After reading an article about the first ever Village, Beacon Hill Village, founder Frances Mahncke gauged interest in starting a Village in our community.  After a couple of years of preparation, NNV opened its doors in 2009 with three volunteers and Blackberry phone - remember those?

Since then, Northwest Neighbors Village has been building a generous and supportive community where all older adults can thrive.  We have grown from a handful of committed neighbors to our current membership of nearly 300 individuals and 150 volunteers, all while continuing to provide individualized attention and support.  Today, over 3,000 community members rely on NNV as a trusted resource.  Over the past several years, NNV’s reach has moved beyond our local neighborhoods, as we share our expertise and time strengthening the Village movement through our citywide efforts with the DC Villages Collaborative.

One of our founders shares, “Fifteen years ago, the NNV founders could not have envisioned such a wonderful anniversary event in the future of our fledgling organization. Your hard work and dedication continue to make NNV a valued asset for its members, many of whom have no other support system. Thank you for your persistence.”

What an exciting opportunity to have founders and early members mingle with new members and volunteers. We are so grateful for our very own trailblazers who have helped hundreds of older neighbors thrive in our community over the years.  

We invite you to become a part of our caring community as a member, volunteer or both! You can also support our mission with your tax-deductible contribution. Please visit our website at www.nnvdc.org for more information on how you can get involved.

Cheers to the next 15 years and more!

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DC Villages Collaborative Youtube channel
The DC Villages Collaborative (DCVC) has a Youtube channel.
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Through a centrally-coordinated, local network of screened volunteers and vetted professional providers, Northwest Neighbors Village offers its members transportation to medical appointments, grocery shopping assistance, home repairs and handyman help, computer and technology assistance, access to social and cultural activities and more.

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