New Evidence-based Fall Prevention Program Offered in our Community

Heather Hill

As we age, we can have a greater risk for falls and an increased fear of falling, but there are several preventative remedies that can help, such as exercise, strength and balance training, and home safety improvements. We want to share a new evidence-based, in-home program that is being offered by the local, woman-owned company Living at Home Consultations, LLC.

Tori Goldhammer, the owner, is a DC-based occupational therapist who works in people's homes to help reduce falls and improve accessibility. Tori has worked with the Villages since starting her business in 2007 (the year Capitol Hill Village opened), and (full disclosure) her mother enjoys being a member of our very own Northwest Neighbors Village.

Living at Home’s mission is to assist people to continue living safely in their own homes, while participating in the tasks they enjoy and are important in their lives. Their team of professionals includes occupational therapy and physical therapy. Recently, the Living at Home team became certified to offer the Otago Exercise Program in the home.

The Otago Exercise Program (OEP) has been shown in studies to reduce falls by 35 – 40 %. It’s covered by Medicare Part B (80%) and often secondary insurance can cover the balance. The OEP consists of 17 strength and balance exercises and a walking program performed by the participant three times per week. It is recommended that a Physical or Occupational Therapist (PT) assess and prescribe the initial exercises. The participant does the exercises independently three times a week and completes a series of four visits with the PT over an 8-week period before transitioning to a self-management phase for a prescribed number of months. During the self-management phase, the older adult will independently do the exercises, and can check in with their program provider via monthly phone calls, and an optional face to face check in at six months.

Eligibility criteria for the Otago program (there is some flexibility for these criteria so if you’re unsure if it’s for you, please reach out to Tori and her team):

  1. 80 years of age or older
  2. Persons who have had a fall in the past year
  3. Persons who can walk in their own home with or without a walking aid
  4. Persons who have muscle weakness or balance difficulties due to multiple risk factors such as arthritis, deconditioning and inactivity

To learn more and schedule an initial phone call, please contact Living at Home Consultations online at, via email at, or by calling (202) 642-6309.

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