As you may know, NNV is one of the 13 DC Villages that receives grant funds from the District government. These funds, awarded through the Department of Aging and Community Living (DACL), make up close to 20% of our budget and are critical to help NNV carry out our vital programs and services. The grant helps us to retain our excellent staff, offer programming that keeps you connected and engaged, and keep our costs down.
The District government is no different from any other: there are always more claims for funds than there are funds available. We, and the other Villages, do our best to educate the mayor and our city councilmembers about the importance of DC Villages and why these DACL funds make it possible for the Villages to support the District’s older residents. We have made our case and will continue to do so as we testify before the Council at the Committee on Executive Administration and Labor’s Performance Oversight Hearing on February 27th.
But no words from NNV Board members or staff have the impact that yours do. If we are to retain our funding in this most challenging of years, each councilmember needs to hear why the Village is important to you. There are many ways to share your story. I urge you to help us in the following ways:
To learn more about the budget process and register for upcoming forums visit
The most important thing is to let our elected officials know that DACL funding is a priority for us. Thank you in advance for advocating for continued funding in FY26. Please don’t hesitate to contact us at or 202-935-6060, if you have any questions.
Gene Sofer
Immediate Past President and NNV Advocacy Representative for DC Villages
P.S. If you participate in any of these advocacy opportunities, please let us know at or 202-935-6060. Thank you!
Through a centrally-coordinated, local network of screened volunteers and vetted professional providers, Northwest Neighbors Village offers its members transportation to medical appointments, grocery shopping assistance, home repairs and handyman help, computer and technology assistance, access to social and cultural activities and more.