Learn about and Try Out Assistive Devices with DCATP

Barbara Scott

The District of Columbia Assistive Technology Program (DCATP) is a citywide program that helps District residents with disabilities to access the assisted technology (AT) devices and services needed to reduce barriers and enhance independence. DCATP provides education, experience and empowerment in the selection, obtaining, and use of assistive technology devices and services.

AT includes tools such as hearing aids, electronic magnifiers, adapted software, communication systems, and much more. DCATP can help in the following ways:

  • The DC Assistive Technology Center offers an opportunity to learn about various assistive technology devices, try them out, and discuss their use.
  • Loaner program that provides an opportunity to borrow AT devices on a short-term basis for trial, evaluation, or accommodation.
  • For a fee, the AT Needs Evaluation and Training offers comprehensive needs assessments including a report and recommendations for education, employment and community living.
  • Offers a financing loan program called DC FUNDS, which offers a low interest loan of $500-$10,000 to purchase AT devices and services.

The broad range of AT provided through DCATP includes the following:

  • Computers, tablets and apps with adapted mice and keyboards
  • Adapted and productivity software such as screen savers, screen magnifiers, educational communications
  • Electronic magnifiers (both portable or desktop)
  • Scanning and reading devices or software
  • Vehicle modifications
  • Augmentative communication systems/devices
  • Hearing aids and assistive listening devices
  • Telecommunication for the deaf/deaf-blind
  • Blind and low vision devices for independent living

Click here to learn more.

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