Important Update to NNV's Mask Policy

Stephanie Chong

According to the CDC, the Covid-19 hospital admission rate is low in the District. When the hospital admission rate is low, the CDC states that, "people may choose to mask at any time".  Therefore, NNV is lifting our mask mandate for all in-person services and events that take place indoors. 

Prevention  - Keeping up with your Covid-19 vaccines is the best way to protect yourself and others around you from getting very sick, being hospitalized, or dying from COVID-19.  If you haven't already done so, please make an appointment at your doctor's office or local pharmacy to receive your next dose of the Covid-19 vaccine. 

Covid Testing - If you haven't already done so, request your free Covid Test Kit. You can request up to four per household. Click here to make your request. Most Covid Test Kits are still valid after the expiration date listed on the box. Click here to check if the expiration on your Test Kit has been extended.  

What if You Test Positive – Contact your physician. If you are over 65, ask about Paxlovid. Please stay home for at least 5 days and isolate from others in your home. To track isolation, note that day one is the first full day after you had symptoms, which for some, may not coincide with the day you’ve taken the test. It’s best to stay indoors until you test negative, but if you must go out, wait until after the first five days have passed and wear a mask until after day ten or after two sequential negative tests in 48 hours. Click here to learn more about isolation. Members and volunteers who test positive for Covid must refrain from in-person services and programs until testing negative. 

NNV Full Members who need help with rides to a vaccine appointment, requesting Test Kits, or interpreting Test Kit expiration dates, can request volunteer help by calling the office 202-935-6060 or sending an email to As always, please feel free to contact the office if you have any questions or concerns.

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