Dear Friend of NNV

Gene Sofer, NNV Board President

I am serving my second year as president of Northwest Neighbors Village. Serving on the board has been an incredibly rewarding experience. It is not often that one has the opportunity to participate in an organization as dedicated to making a difference in the lives of real people as NNV is. Whether you are a volunteer, a member, or a donor, you have helped make NNV an important part of our community and have a stake in its continued success.

Because you care about NNV, I am writing to ask for your help.

This year, as in years past, we are recruiting folks to join our board.

This is an important time in our evolution. We are celebrating our 15th anniversary, proud of having deeply established our roots in the community and of our ongoing accomplishments. We are completing work on a new strategic plan that will build on that past and take us into the future as we strive to become more relevant, more inclusive, serve more of our neighbors and become more financially sustaining.

Whether you have a particular background in business or communications or technology, have raised funds for a nonprofit, or are just a person who cares about your friends, neighbors, and community, I hope that you will think about exploring board membership with us as we position NNV for its future.

I have been active on several boards, but NNV is special. I particularly enjoy my fellow board members. They are normal people. Not a prima donna among them, simply grounded folks who are devoted to strengthening our community and helping older adults age in community and continue to thrive.  

I also appreciate that our board is very small and that nobody wields undue influence. We virtually always operate by consensus. And, we get things done!

Board membership requires a modest commitment of time and energy but yields positive results and impact.

If you are interested or if there is someone you would like to recommend, please contact the office at or 202-935-6060, and our team will put us in touch. I would be happy to discuss board membership at greater length.  

Thanks in advance,

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DC Villages Collaborative Youtube channel
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Through a centrally-coordinated, local network of screened volunteers and vetted professional providers, Northwest Neighbors Village offers its members transportation to medical appointments, grocery shopping assistance, home repairs and handyman help, computer and technology assistance, access to social and cultural activities and more.

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