You're invited to learn more about Northwest Neighbors Village (NNV) over coffee and snacks at Bread and Chocolate – 5542 Connecticut Ave, NW - on Wednesday, October 30th @ 11 a.m.
If you are newly retired, your local Village has social, educational, and volunteer opportunities for you! We welcome you to share your time, talents and interests with us: Join us as a Supporting Member, volunteer to help your neighbors, start a club, teach a class, help plan or lead a local outing, or put your expertise to use through one of our Working Groups.
Help strengthen your community, meet your neighbors, and reap the benefits of volunteerism. Volunteering with us is flexible and fun; you choose to offer your time and services on your schedule when you have the time!
NNV volunteers provide transportation to medical appointments, grocery shopping assistance, simple home repairs, and computer and technology assistance. Volunteers also help as board members, program and event planners, and provide administrative support. Volunteers are the key to our success!
Join NNV as a Supporting Member and gain access to our exclusive programming, social events, walks, group lunches in the neighborhood, and more! You'll also have access to our vetted vendor list and private listserv. Your Supporting Membership fee is completely tax-deductible. Invest in your community as a Supporting Member and enjoy benefits and resources now, while ensuring that we're around when you need us.
Join NNV's Executive Director, Stephanie Chong, and Volunteer and Member Coordinator, Heather Hill, for coffee and learn more about how to get involved with your local Village!
Click here to RSVP Questions? Please email or call us at 202-935-6060.
We look forward to meeting you!
Through a centrally-coordinated, local network of screened volunteers and vetted professional providers, Northwest Neighbors Village offers its members transportation to medical appointments, grocery shopping assistance, home repairs and handyman help, computer and technology assistance, access to social and cultural activities and more.